the importance of self study in mother tongue

 why vollmond academy focused on self-learning platform in Tamil Nadu for all subjects?


Self-studying is a nice and easy method students can use to enhance their learning experience, if they are studying for a course or learning about a topic for fun. Using self-study, students are able to go beyond simply learning what their class textbooks and instructors teach them. By practicing self-study, they are encouraged to further explore topics they are interested in, and it will increase there self-confident level developing stronger study skills as a result.

but same time this also difficult in some students because of the language problem. if you are in tamil nadu vollmond academy giving the course as our tamil language. if students want study there favorable subject in tamil one or two website only avaliable in market


mother tongue e learning website

learn mall e learning website

udemy e learning website

vollmond academy (courses in tamil language0 etc...

One of the major advantages of self-study is that students can take control over their own learning. And when students have control, they become even more interested in learning. That’s good news for everyone!